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Why Collagen
Supplementation Matters

Our Bodies NEED Collagen As We Age

As we age, our bodies produce less collagen naturally, which directly causes the effects of aging. Since collagen makes up a third of the protein found in the human body, it’s loss over time has significant negative impact.

Collagen makes up a third of the protein found in the human body, more than any other type of protein. As we grow older and our collagen production starts to decrease rapidly, your body will see:

  • Weight Increase
  • Nagging Joint Pain
  • Hair Loss & Thinning
  • Dry & Less Elastic Skin
  • Wrinkles & Cellulite
  • Weak & Brittle Nails
  • Weak & Fragile Bones

Obvi’s Collagenic™ Burn Contains More Than Just Collagen

Obvi’s Collagenic™ Burn contains all 5 types of collagen, Type I, II, III, V, & X plus weight loss ingredients Green Tea Extract, Black Pepper Extract, Raspberry Keytones, Cayenne Pepper Extract, Garcina Exctract, as well as 2 Patented Clinicially Proven Weight Loss ingredients, innobio® & BioPerine®

Innobio® Conjugated Linoleic Acid is a free fatty acid mixture high in isomers of CLA and it is made from natural safflower oil. It aids in weight loss and fat reduction.

Bioperine® increases nutrient absorption by stimulating thermogenesis and increasing your metabolism. This process rapidly breaks down your fat cells.

See 6 Incredible Benefits in 90 Days or Less

Weight loss
Boost in
Longer &
Stronger hair
Reduced Joint,
Muscle, &
Bone Pain
Or Your Money Back Guaranteed

Real Women.
Real Results.

These women are actual Obvi customers that have seen successful weight loss with consistent use of Obvi’s Collagenic™ Burn!

“ Thank you Obvi for giving me the tools and support to help turn my weight-loss journey, into a LIFESTYLE CHANGE!!! Just over one year… 8 pant sizes down… 70lbs lost… I feel the strongest I have ever felt and I feel absolutely AMAZING! “

-Jaime L.

Lost 70+ Pounds

“ On Easter I had ordered Obvi and was so eager to start all of it’s goodness!! Today, I could not tell you how many pounds I’ve lost becuase I lost track! I just know I’ve went from a size 20 in shorts to a size 12-14 and a size xxl top to a large top. Thank you Obvi! “

-Tracy B.

Lost 50+ Pounds

“ All I can say is that the past 10 months have been life altering. I am BLESSED beyond my words can express. I am 65 lbs down and I gained back 6 years of my life. I am so grateful to Obvi."

- suzanne S.

Lost 50+ Pounds

More Incredible Customer Transformations

90-Day Money Back Guaranteed

Results Driven & Transparent Formula

With just 4 capsules a day, your body will be absorbing 5 types of collagen as well as key weight loss ingredients to provide a boost in energy and kick your metabolism into gear to shed unwanted weight.

5 Key Weight Loss Ingredients:
Green Tea Extract

Green Tea Extract Contains special molecules that help dilate blood vessels, increase blood flow, and may even help burn stubborn fat! A meta-analysis of Green Tea catechins found that when Green Tea and caffeine are combined, they can help stimulate fat breakdown.

Black Pepper Extract

Black Pepper is high in antioxidants and has been proven to help fight inflammation as well as may assist appetite control. It has been shown that the component piperinefights fat by blocking the formation of new fat cells.

Raspberry Ketones

Raspberry Ketones encourage healthy weight through natural appetite management and increased metabolism. It has been shown to break down fat within cells more effecitvely which allows your body burn fat faster.

Cayene Pepper Extract

Scientists have discovered that ingestion of capsaicin can cause changes in how our muscle cells transfer energy. The active ingredient in the cayenne pepper, capsaicin, bonds to a specific protein and helps burn off energy as heat.

Garcinia Extract

Garcinia Extract is not only proven to aid in weight loss but also supports athletic performace and joint health. The active ingredients also blocks an enzyme called citrate lyase which your body uses to make fat, from doing so.

View All Ingredients
Aids in Weight Loss

Obvi gives your weight loss goals a next-level boost

High Quality Ingredients

All the good stuff you need and none of the fake stuff that you don't

Made in the US

Keeping it local to ensure we give you the highest quality product ever

Frequently asked questions

How long till I start seeing results?

Results may vary but results can be seen as early as 3 to 4 weeks. The best results are seen with consistent use over time. We typically suggest using Burn for 3-6 months to see life changing results, paired with a healthy lifestyle.

How Do I Take Obvi's Collagenic Burn?

Servings Size: Obvi's Collagenic Burn comes with 120 Capsules which equates to 30 servings.  1 Serving is 4 Capsules Per Day.

Directions: Take 2 capsules in the morning (Breakfast) and 2 capsules in the afternoon (Lunch) with food or after eating daily. If you are unable to swallow capsules, you may empty out the contents into any beverage or food substance and consume them that way. Be sure to drink plenty of water and stay hydrated while taking this supplement. 

For Beginners: You may start with just 2 capsules per day, then adjust your serving according to how you feel.

For Maximum Results: Take this product once a day consistently for 2-4 weeks!

Take Note:
Do not exceed 4 capsules per day. 
Do not consume at night time.

How Many Capsules Come In 1 Container?

Servings Size: Obvi's Collagenic Burn comes with 120 Capsules which equates to 30 servings.  1 Serving is 4 Capsules Per Day.

What Should I Expect To See In 6 Months?

First Month: You will see appetite suppression + energy boost +heightened mood

By Month 3: You will see a noticeable increase in energy and heightened mood + noticeable weight loss.

By Month 6: You will see continued energy, significant weight loss, and drop in clothes sizes.

How long should I take Obvi's Collagenic Burn For?

There really is no end date for you to stop supplementing your body with Collagen since your body stops naturally producing it as you get older. We recommend using collagen daily!

Is Obvi Created At a Safe Facility?

Yes. All of our products are made at a FDA approved facility that follows all cGMP testing requirements!

Is Obvi's Collagenic Burn Safe For Pregnant/Breastfeeding Women?

Mostly everyone can take Obvi's Collageni Burn, however do not consumer if you are pregnant or sensitive to caffeine. If you are taking prescription medication please consult with your doctor.

If you are unsure if you can take Obvi's Collagenic Burn for any reason, please consult with your doctor. 

I Have a Health Issue/Concern Can I Take This?

If you are unsure  if you can take Obvi's Collagenic Burn for any reason, please consult with your doctor. 


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